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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 4435:2018-07 Horizontal curves belt conveyors for bulk material - Construction type and selection
VDI 6011 Blatt 2:2018-07 Lighting technology - Optimisation of daylighting and artificial lighting - Design criteria
VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 Blatt 8:2018-06 Calibration of measuring equipment for electrical quantities - Direct-current resistors
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.5 Berichtigung:2018-07 Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Method for the consideration of heat loss through pipes - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 2077 Part 3.5:2018-05
VDI/VDE 2630 Blatt 1.2:2018-06 Computed tomography in dimensional measurement - Influencing variables on measurement results and recommendations for computed tomography dimensional measurements
VDI/VDE 3697 Blatt 1:2018-06 Recommendation for the technical implementation of data exchange between engineering systems for PCE and PCS - Data exchange between PCS objects in accordance with NE 150 using AutomationML
VDI 3405 Blatt 6.1:2018-06 Additive manufacturing processes - User safety on operating the manufacturing facilities - Laser beam melting of metallic parts
VDI 3633:2018-05 Simulation of systems in materials handling, logistics and production - Terms and definitions
VDI-EE 1100:2018-05 Principles and procedures for creating VDI Expert Recommendations
VDI 4801:2018-05 Resource efficiency in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) - Strategies and procedures for the efficient use of natural resources
VDI 3786 Blatt 2:2018-05 Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Wind