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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2047 Blatt 2:2017-11 Open recooler systems - Securing hygienically sound operation of evaporative cooling systems (VDI Cooling Tower Code of Practice)
VDI 4006 Blatt 2:2017-11 Human reliability - Methods for quantitative assessment of human reliability
VDI 6010 Blatt 1:2017-11 Technical safety installations for buildings - System-overlapping description of communication
VDI/VDE/VDMA 2632 Blatt 3:2017-10 Machine vision/industrial image processing - Acceptance test of classifying machine vision systems
VDI/GS1 4489 Blatt 1:2017-10 Labelling of pallets with Auto-ID elements - Returnable wooden pallets of Euro measure (800 mm x 1200 mm)
VDI 2166 Blatt 1:2017-10 Planning of electrical installations in buildings - Fundamentals of energy controlling
VDI 3822 Blatt 1.5:2017-10 Failure analysis - Failures on welded metal products
VDI 4605:2017-10 Evaluation of sustainability
VDI 2492:2017-10 Activity sampling frequency method in operating practice
VDI 4010:2017-10 Reliability improvement during the in-service phase
VDI 3895 Blatt 1:2017-10 Emission control - Installations for cooking and heat-treating foods - Fish and meat
VDI 5600 Blatt 6:2017-10 Manufacturing execution systems (MES) - Energy management with MES