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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2382:2017-10 Maintenance of crane equipment - Steel structures
VDI 4456:2017-10 Belt conveyors for bulk materials - Evaluation analysis of conveyor system for increasing efficiency in materials handling
VDI 3578:2017-10 Attachments for industrial trucks
VDI 2333:2017-10 Vibration conveyors for bulk material
VDI 2057 Blatt 1 Berichtigung:2017-10 Human exposure to mechanical vibrations - Whole-body vibration - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 2057 Part 1:2017-08
VDI/VDE 2883 Blatt 1:2017-09 Maintenance of photovoltaic installations - Basics
VDI/VDE 3690 Blatt 3:2017-09 XML in automation - Guideline for application
VDI/VDE 2182 Blatt 2.3:2017-09 IT-security for industrial automation - Example of use of the general model for plant managers in factory automation - Stamping plant
VDI 6224 Blatt 3:2017-09 Biomimetics - Integrated product development process for biomimetic optimisation
VDI 3793 Blatt 3:2017-09 Survey and monitoring of trees and forest stands by means of aerial images - Design and procedure of digital image surveys
VDI 3878:2017-09 Stationary source emissions - Measurement of ammonia (and gaseous ammonium compounds) - Manual method
VDI 3933:2017-09 Emission control - Production of biomass carbonates