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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 4330 Blatt 10:2018-07 Monitoring the effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - Floristic mapping of genetically modified plants (GM plants), their crossing partners and their hybrid offspring
VDI 2263:2018-07 Dust fires and dust explosions - Hazards - assessment - safety measures
VDI 6010 Blatt 4:2018-07 Technical safety installations for buildings - Functional safety in building services
VDI/VDE 2617 Blatt 2.2:2018-07 Accuracy of coordinate measuring machines - Characteristics and their testing - Form measurement with coordinate measuring machines
VDI/VDE 5595 Blatt 1:2018-07 Photometric and colourimetric quality criteria - Method to assess uniformity
VDI 2126:2018-07 Planar mechanisms - Transfer of a rocker motion into a slider motion with regard to optimum transmission angle
VDI 3405 Blatt 2.3:2018-07 Additive manufacturing processes, rapid manufacturing - Beam melting of metallic parts - Characterisation of powder feedstock
VDI/VDE 3697 Blatt 2:2018-07 Recommendation for the technical implementation of data exchange between engineering systems - Data exchange of process data in accordance with NE 159 using AutomationML
VDI 3988:2018-07 Solar thermal process heat
VDI 3814 Blatt 4.2:2018-07 Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Methods and tools for planning - Requirements, content of planning, system integration
VDI 4084:2018-07 Corrective maintenance and remanufacturing of internal combustion engines - Terminology and processes
VDI 3973:2018-07 Industrial trucks - Tractors with non-braked trailers