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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2310 Blatt 6:2018-07 Maximum immission values to protect vegetation - Critical indices for ozone doses
VDI 3573:2018-05 Working speeds of rail-mounted cranes
VDI/VDE 5575 Blatt 8:2018-05 X-ray optical systems - Monochromator crystals
VDI 4483:2018-05 Wheels, tyres and press-on tyres for industrial trucks - Type sheet
VDI 2054:2018-05 Ventilation and air conditioning - Technical systems for the conditioning of equipment for data processing
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.5:2018-05 Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Method for the consideration of heat loss through pipes
VDI 4800 Blatt 2 Berichtigung:2018-05 Resource efficiency - Evaluation of raw material demand - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 4800 Part 2:2018-03
VDMA 24364:2018-05 Testing for paint wetting impairment substances (LABS-conformity)
VDI/VDE 5585 Blatt 1 Berichtigung:2018-05 Technical temperature measurement - Temperature measurement with thermographic cameras - Metrological characterisation - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 5585 Part 1:2018-03
VDI 4602 Blatt 1:2018-04 Energy management - Fundamentals
VDI 4521 Blatt 2:2018-04 Inventive problem solving with TRIZ - Description of objective, problem definition, and prioritisation of solutions
VDI 3925 Blatt 2:2018-04 Methods for evaluation of waste treatment processes - Samples calculations