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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2263 Blatt 3:1990-05 (R2003) Dust fires and dust explosions; hazards, assessment, protective measures; pressure-shock-resistant vessels and apparatus; calculation, construction and tests
VDI 2268 Blatt 4:1990-05 (R2017) Chemical analysis of particulate matter; determination of arsenic, antimony and selenium in dust emissions by graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
VDI/VDE 3685 Blatt 1:1990-05 (R2015) Adaptive controllers; terms and properties
VDI 2500:1990-04 Fibre-ropes; description, selection, judgment
VDI 3793 Blatt 1:1990-03 (R2015) On-site determination of vegetational injuries; method of aerial photography with color infrared film
VDI 3784 Blatt 2:1990-03 (R2004) Environmental meteorology; dispersion modelling for the discharge of flue gas via cooling towers
VDI 3734 Blatt 2:1990-02 Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound sources; cooling towers
VDI 2268 Blatt 2:1990-02 (R2017) Chemical analysis of particulate matter; determination of arsenic, antimony and selenium in dust emissions by atomic absorption spectrometry after separation of their volatile hydrides
VDI 2234:1990-01 Basic economical information for design engineers
VDI 2569:1990-01 Sound protection and acoustical design in offices
VDI 3720 Blatt 9.1:1990-01 Noise abatement by design; power-gears; reduction of structure-borne noise-stimulation by tooth-meshing
VDI 3798 Blatt 1:1989-12 (R2003) Examination and treatment of materials damaged by immissions, particulary those in historo-cultural objects