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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2268 Blatt 3:1988-12 (R2014) Chemical analysis of particulate matter; determination of thallium in particulate emissions by atomic absorption spectrometry
VDI 3485 Blatt 1:1988-12 (R2014) Ambient air measurement; measurement of gaseous phenoloc compounds; p-nitroaniline method
VDI 2267 Blatt 7:1988-11 (R2014) Chemical analysis of particulates in ambient air; determination of thallium and its inorganic compounds as part of the dust precipitation by atomic absorption spectrometry
VDI/VDE 3546 Blatt 3:1988-11 (R2001) Design of process control rooms; design of control panels
VDI 3722 Blatt 1:1988-08 Effects of transportation noise on man
VDI 3730:1988-08 Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound sources; processing furnaces
VDI 3497 Blatt 3:1988-07 (R2014) Determination of particulate anions in ambient air; analysis of chloride, nitrate, and sulfate by ion chromatography using suppressor technique after aerosol sampling on PTFE-filters
VDI 2058 Blatt 2:1988-06 Assessment of noise with regard to the risk of hearing damages
VDI 3631:1988-06 Production stop by short-term interruption of material flow
VDI 2244:1988-05 Design of safe equipment and machinery
VDI 2861 Blatt 2:1988-05 (R2001) Assembling and handling; characteristics of industrial robots; application-related characteristics
VDI 2861 Blatt 3:1988-05 (R2001) Assembling and handling; characteristics of industrial robots; testing of the characteristics