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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2263 Blatt 2:1992-05 (R2003) Dust fires and dust explosions; hazards, assessment, protective measures; inerting
VDI 2360:1992-05 Transloading installations with industrial trucks for general cargo
VDI 2263 Blatt 4:1992-04 Dust fires and dust explosions; hazards, assessment, protective measures; suppression of dust explosions
VDI 3649:1992-01 (R2003) Calculation of availability in handling and storage systems
VDI/VDE 3546 Blatt 5:1991-09 (R2001) Design of process control rooms; arrangements of monitors at operator stations
VDI 2158:1991-12 (R2016) Self-locking and self-retarding drives
VDI 2854:1991-06 (R2000) Safety requirements for automated flexible manufacturing systems
VDI 2467 Blatt 2:1991-08 (R2017) Gaseous air pollution measurement; measurement of primary and secondary aliphatic amines by means of the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
VDI 3634:1991-06 Quantitative measurement in material flow
VDI 2727 Blatt 1:1991-05 (R2016) Catalogues for machine design; mechanisms for motiontransfer; fundamentals
VDI/VDE 2041:1991-04 (R2001) Measurement of fluid flow with primary devices; orifice plates and nozzles for special applications