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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2225 Blatt 3:1998-11 Design engineering methodics - Engineering design at optimum cost - Valuation of costs
VDI 3643:1998-11 Self powered trolley system - Suspended trolley system, load 500 kg - Requirements profile for a compatible system
VDI 3311:1998-11 Paperless order-picking
VDI/VDE 2251 Blatt 7:1998-09 Precision engineering components - Snap connections
VDI 2310 Blatt 27:1998-09 Maximum immission values - Maximum lead intake doses for the protection of livestock
VDI 3865 Blatt 3:1998-06 (R2014) Measurement of organic soil pollutants - Gas-chromatographic determination of volatile organic compounds in soil gas adsorption at activated carbon and desorption with organic solvents
VDI 2887:1998-03 Quality management of maintenance
VDI 4451 Blatt 4:1998-02 Compatibility of automated guided vehicle systems (AGVS) - Open control system for automated guided vehicles (AGV)
VDI 4451 Blatt 3:1998-03 Compatibility of automated guided vehicle systems (AGVS) - Driving and steering motors
VDI 4480 Blatt 1:1998-02 Throughput of automatic warehouses with lane-bound shelf operating systems
VDI 3865 Blatt 2:1998-01 (R2014) Measurement of organic soil pollutants - Techniques of active sampling of soil gas
VDI 3633 Blatt 2:1997-12 Performance specification of the simulation study