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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 3966:1997-10 Data entry for computer assisted documentation of locations, buildings and installations
VDI 2584:1997-10 Emission control - Rock processing in quarries
VDI/VDE 3684:1997-09 Manufacturer-independent configuration of drive systems - Description of event-driven motion processes with functional diagrams
VDI 4300 Blatt 4:1997-08 (R2018) Indoor air pollution measurement - Measurement strategy for pentachlorophenol (PCP) and ?-hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane) in indoor air
VDI 2448 Blatt 2:1997-07 (R2018) Statistical evaluation of random-sample measurements of stationary source emissions: Determination of the upper confidence limit
VDI 2222 Blatt 1:1997-06 Methodic development of solution principles
VDI/VDE 3521 Blatt 3:1997-05 (R2007) Guidelines for testing control systems of steam turbines - Multi variable control of extraction turbines
VDI 2720 Blatt 1:1997-03 Noise control by barriers outdoors
VDI 3366:1997-03 Parts for transportation of large tools and dies
VDI 4505 Blatt 1:1997-03 Project management - Methodical transaction of projects for industrial plants and equipment
VDI 3622:1997-02 Belt conveyor for bulk material - Conveyor pulleys
VDI 3824 Blatt 2:1997-02 Quality assurance of PVD and CVD hard coatings - Requirements on tools and components to be coated