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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI/VDE 2186:2000-04 User interface for drive control devices
VDI 2267 Blatt 8:2000-03 (R2016) Determination of suspended particles in ambient air - Measurement of the mass concentration of mercury - Sampling by sorption as amalgam and determination by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) with cold vapour technique
VDI 2083 Blatt 12:2000-01 (R2015) Cleanroom technology - Safety and environmental aspects
VDI 2379:2000-01 Inquiry checklist - Belt conveyors for bulk material
VDI 2888:1999-12 Maintenance condition monitoring
VDI 2463 Blatt 1:1999-11 (R2015) Particulate matter measurement - Gravimetric determination of mass concentration of suspended particulate matter in ambient air - General principles
VDI/VDE 3687:1999-11 Selection of field bus-systems by evaluating their performance characteristics for industriell applications
VDI 3209 Blatt 1:1999-11 (R2013) Deep hole boring with external supply of coolant
VDI 3783 Blatt 5:1999-11 (R2018) Environmental meteorology - Models for the gas-phase chemistry of the troposphere
VDI/VDE 3523:1999-11 (R2007) Acceptance test guideline for steam turbine control systems
VDI/VDE 2252 Blatt 1:1999-10 Precision engineering components - Guides - Gilding bearings, general foundations
VDI 3824 Blatt 3:1999-10 Quality assurance of PVD and CVD hard coatings - Production processes and procedures