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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 4422:2000-09 (R2013) Electrical palet conveying track - Electrical conveying track
VDI 3945 Blatt 3:2000-09 (R2015) Environmental meteorology - Atmospheric dispersion models - Particle model
VDI 3788 Blatt 1:2000-07 (R2015) Environmental meteorology - Dispersion of odorants in the atmosphere - Fundamentals
VDI 2335:2000-06 Armoured face conveyors
VDI 4301 Blatt 2:2000-06 (R2011) Indoor air pollution measurement - Measurement of pentaclorphenol (PCP) and ?-hexachlorcyclohexane (lindane) - GC/MS-method
VDI 2727 Blatt 4:2000-06 (R2016) Catalogues for machine design - Mechanisms for motion transfer - Converting unidirectional rotation into oscillating motion
VDI/VDE 2426 Blatt 1:2000-05 Catalogues in maintenance and management of medical devices - General
VDI/VDE 2426 Blatt 2:2000-05 Catalogues in maintenance and management of medical devices - Standardized device catalogue
VDI/VDE 2426 Blatt 3:2000-05 Catalogues in maintenance and management of medical devices - Fault catalogues
VDI/VDE 2426 Blatt 4:2000-05 Catalogues in maintenance and management of medical devices - Maintenance measures
VDI 3146 Blatt 2:2000-04 Hydroforming - Machines and installations
VDI 4430:2000-04 Ecology-minded purchasing of indirect materials