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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2090 Blatt 1:2001-01 (R2017) Ambient air measurement - Deposition measurement of low volatile organic compounds - Determination of PCDD/F deposition; Bergerhoff sampling device and GC/HRMS analysis
VDI 4466 Blatt 1:2001-01 (R2013) Automatic parking systems - Basic principles
VDI 3783 Blatt 12:2000-12 (R2015) Environmental meteorology - Physical modelling of flow and dispersion processes in the atmospheric boundary layer - Application of wind tunnels
VDI 3862 Blatt 2:2000-12 (R2011) Gaseous emission measurement - Measurement of aliphatic and aromatic aldeydes and ketones by DNPH method - Impinger method
VDI 3862 Blatt 3:2000-12 (R2017) Gaseous emission measurement - Measurement of aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes and ketones by DNPH method - Cartridges method
VDI 4280 Blatt 2:2000-12 Planning of ambient air quality measurements - Rules for planning investigations of traffic related air pollutants in key pollution areas
VDI 2457 Blatt 4:2000-12 (R2016) Gaseous emission measurement - Chromatographic determination of organic compounds - Sampling of acidic components in alkaline aqueous solution; Analysis by ion chromatography
VDI 2457 Blatt 5:2000-12 (R2016) Gaseous emission measurement - Chromatographic determination of organic compounds - Sampling in gas vessels, gas chromatographic analysis
VDI 3865 Blatt 4:2000-12 (R2016) Measurement of organic soil pollutants - Gas chromatographic determination of volatile organic compounds in soil gas - Direct measurement
VDI 3866 Blatt 1:2000-12 (R2011) Determination of asbestos in technical products - Principle - Sampling and sample preparation
VDI 3955 Blatt 3:2000-12 (R2018) Assessment of effects on materials due to corrosive ambient conditions - Exposure of natural stone samples (Mank's carrousel)
VDI 2459 Blatt 1:2000-12 (R2016) Gaseous emission measurement - Determination of carbon monoxide concentration using flame ionisation detection after reduction to methane