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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 4640 Blatt 3:2001-06 (R2006) Utilization of the subsurface for thermal purposes - Underground thermal energy storage
VDI 4400 Blatt 1:2001-05 Logistic indicators for procurement
VDI 2343 Blatt 1:2001-05 Recycling of electrical and electronic products - Principles and terminology
VDI 3862 Blatt 4:2001-05 (R2012) Gaseous emission measurement - Mesurement of formaldehyde by the AHMT method
VDI 6020 Blatt 1:2001-05 Requirements on methods of calculation to thermal and energy simulation of buildings and plants - Buildings
VDI 3839 Blatt 1:2001-03 (R2018) Instructions on measuring and interpreting the vibrations of machines - General principles
VDI 2246 Blatt 1:2001-03 Designing maintainable engineered products - Basic principles
VDI 2246 Blatt 2:2001-03 Designing maintainable engineered products - Requirements catalog
VDI 3633 Blatt 7:2001-03 Simulation of systems in material handling, logistics and production - Simulation of costs
VDI/VDE 2608:2001-03 (R2015) Tangential composite and radial composite inspection of cylindrical gears, bevel gears, worms and worm wheels
VDI 3602 Blatt 1:2001-01 Belt conveyors for bulk material - Conveyor drives, construction
VDI 3602 Blatt 2:2001-01 Belt conveyors for bulk material - Conveyor drives, operating method