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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
UIC 758:2005-05 Use of mobile radio on the railways - Antennas Loading...
UIC 724:2005-05 Track equipment for 25 tons (250 kN) axle loads on ballasted track Loading...
UIC B 126 DT 413:2005-05 BRAKING PROBLEMS - Feasibility study on the replacement of cast iron blocks with L blocks (additional block brake on coaches) Loading...
UIC 527-1:2005-04 Coaches, vans and wagons - Dimensions of buffer heads - Track layout on S-curves Loading...
UIC 753-3:2005-04 General procedures covering the maintenance, operating and performance criteria for the UIC telecommunications network Loading...
UIC 550-3:2005-04 Power suplly installations for passenger stock - Effect on electrical installations outside passenger coaches Loading...
UIC 550:2005-04 Power supply installations for passenger stock Loading...
UIC 720:2005-03 Laying and maintenance of CWR track Loading...
UIC 920-14:2005-03 Standard numerical country coding for use in railway traffic Loading...
UIC 471-2:2005-03 Conditions governing the exchange of wagons between railway undertakings Loading...
UIC 774-1:2005-02 Recommendations for the fatigue design of railway bridges in reinforced and prestressed-concrete Loading...