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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
UIC 410:2006-08 Composition and calculation of the weight and braking of passenger trains Loading...
UIC 914:2006-08 Technical security standards or electronic sales and distribution systems Loading...
UIC B 169 DT 409:2006-08 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Wheels. Characterisation of the surface texture and geometry of wheels after shuntage testing Loading...
UIC B 169 RP 27:2006-07 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Optimisation of Wheels/Blocks - Study of ways to preselect composite brake blocks based on the wear to wheels and exceptional thermal stresses they cause Loading...
UIC 345:2006-06 Environmental specifications for new rolling stock Loading...
UIC B 169 RP 17:2006-06 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Definition parameters for the thermomechanical calculation of wheels Correlation between calcultions and tests Loading...
UIC B 169 RP 20:2006-06 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Determination of the distribution of energy dissipated by braking between the wheel and composite brake blocks Loading...
UIC B 169 DT 405:2006-06 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Catalogue of defects on wheels / axles /wheelsets. Part 1: introductions, terminology, classification of defects, types of defects on wheelsets Loading...
UIC 505-1:2006-04 Railway transport stock - Rolling stock construction gauge Loading...
UIC 517:2006-04 Wagons - Suspension gear - Standardisation Loading...
UIC 108-2:2006-04 Computer generation of global prices and exchange of fare information on computer medium Loading...
UIC 647:2006-03 Functional model for the remote control of traction units Loading...