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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
UIC 503:2007-02 Continental wagons running in Great Britain (via the Channel Tunnel and on Network Rail Infrastructure) - General conditions (reference profile, axle-load, etc.) for the acceptance, in international traffic with Great-Britain, of 2-axle and bogie wagons registered with other UIC member Rus...
UIC B 169 RP 22:2007-02 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Wheels - Determination of residual stresses and of their distribution in the rims of monobloc wheels against UIC Leaflet 510-5 Loading...
UIC 565-1:2007-03 Special design and fittings features of vehicles acccepted for use in international passenger night traffic Loading...
UIC B 169 RP 23:2007-02 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Wheels. Definition of the extraordinary thermomechanical stresses on wheels due to composite brake blocks Loading...
UIC B 169 RP 24:2007-02 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Wheels - Experiences with wheels and composite brake blocks (K) in service Loading...
UIC B 169 RP 26:2007-02 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Wheels. Preparation of a rig test programme, using simulation of a service braking spectrum to determine the behaviour under wear of the wheel and brake block Loading...
UIC B 169 RP 28:2007-02 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Optimisation of wheels. Effect of defects in wheel running surfaces on noise emitted into the environment Loading...
UIC B 169 DT 397:2007-02 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Wheels Freight Rolling Stock Influence of composite brake blocks decomposition on air quality Loading...
UIC B 169 DT 410:2007-02 STANDARDIZATION OF WHEELSETS - Wheels - Failure analysis in accordance with EN 50126 - RAMS demonstration of the safety of a new wagon - braking concept Loading...
UIC B 12 RP 73:2007-01 WAGONS - Prevention of Buffer Head Scoring Loading...
UIC 776-1:2006-08 Loads to be considered in railway bridge design Loading...