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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI/VDE 3512 Blatt 2:2017-03 Temperature measurement for building automation - Temperature sensors, temperature sensing elements and their measurement parameters
VDI/VDE 3512 Blatt 4:2017-03 Temperature measurement for building automation - Testing of temperature sensors
VDI 2248 Blatt 4:2017-03 Product engineering with shape memory alloys - Simulation and model development
VDI 2248 Blatt 5:2017-03 Product development using shape memory alloys - Development methods
VDI 4477:2017-03 Minimum requirements for VDI Disposable Pallets for low transport weights with limited use
VDI 2762 Blatt 3:2017-03 Mechanical solid-liquid separation by cake filtration - Mechanical deliquoring of incompressible filter cakes by undersaturation using a gas pressure difference
VDI 3783 Blatt 20:2017-03 Environmental meteorology - Testing the transferability of meteorological data for application within the context of TA Luft
VDI 3783 Blatt 21:2017-03 Environmental meteorology - Quality assurance of meteorological data for dispersion calculation according to TA Luft and GIRL
VDI 4221 Blatt 2:2017-03 Quality assurance - Requirements on interlaboratory tests in immission control - Design, performance and evaluation of interlaboratory tests for emission measurement methods under laboratory conditions
VDI 4258 Blatt 1:2017-03 Bioaerosols and biological agents - Generation of test bioaerosols - Basics and requirements for test bioaerosols
VDI 5620:2017-03 Reverse engineering of geometrical data
VDI 2057 Blatt 3:2017-03 Human exposure to mechanical vibration - Whole-body vibration at workplaces in buildings