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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 5610 Blatt 2:2017-05 Knowledge management for engineering - Knowledge based engineering (KBE)
VDI 3783 Blatt 9:2017-05 Environmental meteorology - Prognostic microscale wind field models - Evaluation for flow around buildings and obstacles
VDI 5710 Blatt 1:2017-05 Licensing and implementing of new nanotechnologies in the area of medical technology - Fundamentals
VDI 4212:2017-05 Remote sensing - Atmospheric measurements using passive DOAS - Gaseous emissions and ambient air measurements
VDI 3783 Blatt 7:2017-05 Environmental meteorology - Prognostic mesoscale wind field models - Evaluation for dynamically and thermally induced flow fields
VDI 2578:2017-05 Emission control - Glassworks
VDI 3564 Blatt 1:2017-05 Fire protection - Recommendations for high-bay warehouses
VDI/VDE 2651 Blatt 1:2017-05 Plant asset management (PAM) in the process industry - Definition, model, task, benefit
VDI 6203:2017-05 Facade planning - Criteria, degree of difficulty, assessment
VDI 2052 Blatt 1:2017-04 Air conditioning - Kitchens (VDI Ventilation Code of Practice)
VDI 3396:2017-04 Belt grinding for metal working
VDI 2500:2017-04 Fibre ropes - Description, selection, dimensioning