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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 6000 Blatt 5:2004-11 (R2014) Provision and installation of sanitary facilities - Housing for the elderly, old people's homes, nursing homes
VDI 2700:2004-11 Securing of loads on road vehicles
VDI 3830 Blatt 2:2004-10 (R2015) Damping of materials and members - Damping of solids
VDI 3783 Blatt 4:2004-10 (R2018) Environmental meteorology - Acute accidental releases into the atmosphere - Requirements to an optimal system to determininig and assessing pollution of the atmosphere
VDI 3926 Blatt 1:2004-10 (R2018) Testing of cleanable filter media - Standard test for the evaluation of cleanable filter media
VDI 2066 Blatt 10:2004-10 (R2015) Particulate matter measurement - Dust measurement in flowing gases - Measurement of PM10 and PM2,5 emissions at stationary sources by impaction method
VDI 4640 Blatt 4:2004-09 (R2009) Thermal use of the underground - Direct uses
VDI 3830 Blatt 1:2004-08 (R2015) Damping of materials and members - Classification and survey
VDI 3830 Blatt 3:2004-07 (R2015) Damping of materials and members - Damping of assemblies
VDI 4202 Blatt 2:2004-07 Minimum requirements for suitability tests of ambient air quality measuring systems - Optical remote sensing systems for the measurement of gaseous pollutants
VDI 2597:2004-07 (R2016) Emission control - Plants for the production of lead and lead alloys
VDI 3842:2004-06 (R2015) Vibrations in piping systems