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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2083 Blatt 3:2005-07 (R2015) Cleanroom technology - Metrology and test methods
VDI 4285 Blatt 1:2005-06 (R2016) Determination of diffusive emissions by measurement - Basic concepts
VDI 3865 Blatt 1:2005-06 (R2016) Measurement of organic soil pollutants - Planning of measurements for the determination of volatile organic compounds in soil gas
VDI 4060 Blatt 1:2005-06 (R2012) Integrated Management Systems - Guidance for practical implementation - General information
VDI 4060 Blatt 2:2005-06 (R2012) Integrated Management Systems - Guidance for practical implementation - Case studies
VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 Blatt 4.7:2005-06 (R2015) Inspection of measuring and test equipment - Test instruction for gap gauges
VDI 2081 Blatt 2:2005-05 (R2015) Noise generation and noise reduction in air-conditioning systems - Examples
VDI 3830 Blatt 4:2005-05 (R2015) Damping of materials and members - Models for damped structures
VDI 3805 Blatt 4:2005-04 Product data exchange in the building services - Pumps
VDI 3629:2005-03 Basic organisational functions in warehousing
VDI 4608 Blatt 1:2005-03 (R2011) Energy systems - Combined heat and power - Terms, definitions, examples
VDI 2497:2005-03 Recommandation for the economic operation of industrial truck