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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
UIC 50536:2016-11 Railway application - Rolling stock - Towing hooks for wagons - Standardisation Loading...
UIC 50507:2016-11 Railway Application - Rolling Stock - Wagons - Conditions governing wagons conveyed on ferries Loading...
UIC 50641:2016-11 Railway Application - Rolling Stock - Conditions to be fulfilled by automatic vigilant devices used in International traffic Loading...
UIC 55674:2016-11 Railway Application - Rolling Stock - Standard open bogie van adapted for the conveyance of motor cars Loading...
UIC 70021:2016-11 Railway Application - Fixed Installations - Protection from Corrosion: measures to be taken on direct current catenaries to reduce the risk of corrosion of adjacent piping and cable systems Loading...
UIC 70022:2016-11 Railway Application - Fixed Installations - Voltage at the pantograph Loading...
UIC 918-1:2016-10 Electronic reservation of seats/berths and electronic production of travel documents - Exchange of messages Loading...
UIC 541-1:2016-10 Brakes - Regulations concerning the design of brake components Loading...
UIC 70014:2016-09 Railway Application - Fixed installations - Maintenance Guidelines for OCL Loading...
UIC 70018:2016-09 Railway Application - Fixed installations - Guidelines on OCL earthing systems for safety in tunnels Loading...
UIC 70019:2016-09 Railway Application - Fixed installations - Overhead Contact Lines interoperability assessment Loading...
UIC 540:2016-08 Brakes - Air Brakes for freight trains and passenger trains Loading...