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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
UIC A 25 RP 3:1957-06 SAFETY DEVICES FOR TRACK LAID ON CONCRETE OR STEEL SLEEPERS - Methods of computing track circuits Loading...
UIC A 1a RP 1:1957-02 CALCULATION OF CATENARY MASTS AND FOUNDATIONS - Foundations, results of tests, conclusions and practical applications Loading...
UIC B 13 RP 2:1957-03 ACCEPTANCE TESTING AND MAINTENANCE OF DIESEL ENGINES - Proposed choice of standard European types after general 'invitation' to industry Loading...
UIC 470:1957-01 General arrangements concerning the financing and operating of frontier stations Loading...
UIC B 12 RP 1:1956-04 WAGONS - First report on the work of standardisation of wagons and description of standard of established classical design Loading...
UIC B 12 RP 2:1956-04 WAGONS - Report on the activities of the jury for the design competition for the 'Wagon of the future' Volume I: Results of the competition and conclusions Volume II: Memorandum on the work and technical discussions of the Jury for the Design Competition for the wagon of the future and Appendices...
UIC 870:1956-01 Technical specification for grooved contact wires Loading...
UIC A 2 CR 1:1956-01 PANTOGRAPH PANS AND CONTACT STRIP MATERIALS - Description of the test apparatus for measurements of wear, summary of the first test results Loading...
UIC 612-2:2009-10 Specific sub-system requirements (traction, braking, etc.) for EMU/DMU, locomotives and driving coaches (Rolling stock sub-system requirements, requirements for economic purposes, requirements for railway standardisation) Loading...
UIC 533:2011-04 Vehicles, protection by earthing of metal parts Loading...
UIC 930:2009-09 Exchange of data for cross-border railway energy settlement Loading...
UIC 776-2:2009-06 Design requirements for rail-bridges based on interaction phenomena between train, track and bridge Loading...