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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
AS ISO 55002:2019 [ Current ] Asset management - Management systems - Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001 standard by Standards Australia, 04/11/2019
AS ISO 532.2:2019 [ Current ] Acoustics - Methods for calculating loudness, Part 2: Moore-Glasberg method standard by Standards Australia, 04/09/2019
AS ISO 532.1:2019 [ Current ] Acoustics - Methods for calculating loudness, Part 1: Zwicker Method standard by Standards Australia, 04/08/2019
AS 4204:2019 [ Current ] Headstones and cemetery monuments standard by Standards Australia, 04/01/2019
AS 5213:2019 [ Current ] Density tracer testing for measuring performance of coal density separators standard by Standards Australia, 03/28/2019
AS 1774.36:2019 [ Current ] Monolithic refractory products, Method 36: Determination of resistance to explosive spalling (ISO 16334:2013, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 03/25/2019
AS 3996:2019 [ Current ] Access covers and grates standard by Standards Australia, 03/22/2019
AS ISO 9296:2019 [ Current ] Acoustics - Declared noise emission values of information technology and telecommunications equipment standard by Standards Australia, 03/19/2019
AS ISO 9295:2019 [ Current ] Acoustics - Determination of high-frequency sound power levels emitted by machinery and equipment standard by Standards Australia, 03/19/2019
AS ISO 6393:2019 [ Current ] Earth-moving machinery - Determination of sound power level - Stationary test conditions standard by Standards Australia, 03/19/2019
AS ISO 13491.1:2019 [ Current ] Financial services - Secure cryptographic devices (retail), Part 1: Concepts, requirements and evaluation methods standard by Standards Australia, 03/12/2019
AS 4276.5:2019 [ Current ] Water microbiology, Method 5: Coliforms, Escherichia coli and thermotolerant coliformsMembrane filtration method standard by Standards Australia, 03/07/2019