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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
AS 1301.566:2019 [ Current ] Methods of test for pulp and paper, Method 566: Tensile strength of paper and paperboard (constant rate of elongation method, 100 mm/min) (ISO 1924-3:2005, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 05/22/2019
AS 2455.2:2019 [ Current ] Textile floor coverings - Installation practice, Part 2: Carpet tiles standard by Standards Australia, 05/14/2019
AS 2455.1:2019 [ Current ] Textile floor coverings - Installation practice, Part 1: General standard by Standards Australia, 05/14/2019
AS 2210.3:2019 [ Current ] Personal protective equipment, Part 3: Safety footwear (ISO 20345:2011, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 05/14/2019
AS 4621:2019 [ Current ] Regulator for use with liquefied petroleum - Vapour phase standard by Standards Australia, 05/14/2019
AS 4618:2019 [ Current ] Gas appliance regulators standard by Standards Australia, 05/14/2019
AS 2210.5:2019 [ Current ] Personal protective equipment, Part 5: Occupational footwear (ISO 20347:2012, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 05/14/2019
AS IEC 62040.2:2019 [ Current ] Uninterruptible power systems (UPS), Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements standard by Standards Australia, 05/13/2019
AS 5333.2:2019 [ Current ] Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for small, movable sources in reverberant fields, Part 2: Methods for special reverberation test rooms standard by Standards Australia, 05/08/2019
AS 5339:2019 [ Current ] Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure Engineering/survey methods for use in situ in a reverberant environment standard by Standards Australia, 05/08/2019
AS 5336:2019 [ Current ] Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for anechoic rooms and hemi - anechoic rooms standard by Standards Australia, 05/08/2019
AS ISO 28560.2:2019 [ Current ] Information and documentation RFID in libraries, Part 2: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962 standard by Standards Australia, 05/08/2019