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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
AIAA S-102.2.18:2008 Performance-Based Fault Tree Analysis Requirements
AIAA S-102.2.11:2008 Performance-Based Anomaly Detection and Response Analysis
AIAA R-092-1-2003e AIAA Recommended Practice for Wind Tunnel Testing - Part 1
AIAA R-092-2-2003 AIAA Recommended Practice for Wind Tunnel Testing - Part 2
TAPPI T 536 om:2018 Resistance of paper to passage of air (high-pressure Gurley method)
TAPPI T 1216 sp:2018 Indices for whiteness, yellowness, brightness, and luminous reflectance factor
TAPPI T 452 om:2018 Brightness of pulp, paper, and paperboard (directional reflectance at 457 nm)
TAPPI T 1210 sp:2018 Units of measurement and conversion factors
TAPPI T 839 om:2018 Edgewise compressive strength of corrugated fiberboard using the clamp method (short column test)
TAPPI T 564 SP-16 Transparent Chart for the Estimation of Defect Size
TAPPI T 1007 sp:2015 Sample location for fiber glass mat sheets