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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
TAPPI T 1009 om:2010 Tensile strength and elongation at break for fiber glass mats
TAPPI T 1013 om:2010 Loss on ignition of fiber glass mats
TAPPI T 1014 om:2010 Moisture sensitivity of fiber glass mats
TAPPI T 1016 om:2010 Average fiber diameter of fiber glass mats
TAPPI T 1015 sp:2010 (R2015) Fiber glass mat uniformity (visual defects)
TAPPI T 213 om:2010 (R2015) Dirt in pulp - Chart method
TAPPI T 411 om-10 Thickness (Caliper) of Paper, Paperboard, & Combined Board
TAPPI T 456 om-10 Tensile breaking strength of water-saturated paper and paperboard (?wet tensile strength?)
TAPPI T 432 cm-09 Water Absorbency of Bibulous Papers
Size Estimation Chart (Transparency) Developed from and based on the TAPPI Dirt Estimation Chart, this transparency is used to measure the size of spots, defects, or inclusions over the range of 0.02 to 5.00 square millimeters in paper and other industrial materials such as textiles or plastics.
RESNA CA-1:2016 RESNA Standard for Cognitive Accessibility - Volume 1: Universal Criteria for Reporting the Cognitive Accessibility of Products and Technologies
RESNA SS-1:2014 RESNA Standard for Support Surfaces - Volume 1: Requirements and Test Methods for Full Body Support Surfaces