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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 3877 Blatt 1:2011-09 (R2017) Indoor air pollution - Measurement of fibrous dust on settled on surfaces - Sampling and analysis (REM/EDXA)
VDI 3894 Blatt 1:2011-09 (R2017) Emissions and immissions from animal husbandry - Housing systems and emissions - Pigs, cattle, poultry, horses
VDI 3423:2011-08 Technical availability of machines and production lines - Terms, definitions, determination of time periods and calculation
VDI 2498 Blatt 1:2011-08 Procedure in material flow planning - Fundamentals
VDI 2498 Blatt 2:2011-08 Procedure in material flow planning - Training example for a rough layout design
VDI 4403 Blatt 1:2011-08 Modernization and extension of conveyor-technical arrangements and logistic systems at running operation
VDI 4403 Blatt 2:2011-08 Modernization and extension of conveyor-technical arrangements and logistical systems at running operation - Reconstruction and upgrading by example of a large central warehouse
VDI 4403 Blatt 3:2011-08 Modernization and extension of conveyor-technical arrangements and logistic systems at running operation - Integration and change of use by example of two distribution centres
VDI 4434:2011-08 Activity based costing in procurement logistics
VDI 2310 Blatt 39:2011-08 (R2016) Maximum immission values - Maximum chromium intake values to protect farm animals and the food derived from them
VDI 3940 Blatt 3 Berichtigung 1:2011-08 (R2015) Measurement of odour impact by field inspection - Determination of odour intensity and hedonic odour tone - Corrigendum concerning guideline VDI 3940 Part 3:2010-01