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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2230 Blatt 2:2014-12 Systematic calculation of highly stressed bolted joints - Multi bolted joints
VDI/VDE 2631 Blatt 10:2014-12 Form measurement - Determination of the uncertainty of form measurements
VDI 2053 Blatt 1:2014-12 (R2018) Air conditioning - Car parks - Exhaust ventilation (VDI Ventilation Code of Practice)
VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 Blatt 17.1:2014-12 Inspection of measuring and test equipment - Test instruction for horizontal length measuring machines
VDI 3462 Blatt 1:2014-12 Emission control - Wood machining and processing - Raw wood processing
VDI 3877 Blatt 2:2014-12 Indoor pollution - Measurement of fibrous dusts settled on surfaces - Sampling strategy and assessment of results
VDI/VDE 3522 Blatt 2:2014-12 Dynamic behaviour of contact thermometers - Experimental determination of time percentage values
VDI 2263 Blatt 8.2:2014-12 (R2018) Dust fires and dust explosions - Hazards - assessment - protective measures - Explosion suppression and combination of structural protective measures in elevators
VDI 6008 Blatt 1.2:2014-12 Barrier-free buildings - Trainings
VDI/VDE 3522 Blatt 1 Berichtigung:2014-12 Dynamic behaviour of contact thermometers - Principles and characteristic values - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI/VDE 3522 Part 1:2014-09
VDI 4008 Blatt 5:2014-11 Reliability methodology - State flow graphs
VDI/VDE 3695 Blatt 5:2014-11 Engineering of industrial plants - Evaluation and optimization - Subject structural organization