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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 4075 Blatt 2:2015-08 Cleaner production (PIUS) - Painting processes
VDI 4251 Blatt 2:2015-08 Measurement of airborne microorganisms and viruses in ambient air - Determination of area-specific background concentrations
VDI 4709:2015-08 Central vacuum cleaning systems - Design, testing and application in facility management
VDI 6017:2015-08 Lifts - Fire recall systems
VDI/VDE 2635 Blatt 1:2015-07 Experimental structure analysis - Metallic bonded resistance strain gauges - Characteristics and testing conditions
VDI 3805 Blatt 6:2015-07 Product data exchange in the building services - Radiators, heating and cooling convectors with or without fan
VDI 3891:2015-07 Emission control - Human cremation facilities
VDI 4221 Blatt 1:2015-07 Quality assurance - Requirements on interlaboratory tests in immission control - Requirements on providers of interlaboratory tests
VDI 3957 Blatt 8:2015-07 Biological measuring techniques for the determination and evaluation of effects of air pollutants (biomonitoring) - Determination of the growth rate of epiphytic lichens and bryophytes for monitoring of environmental changes
VDI 3786 Blatt 11:2015-07 Environmental meteorology - Ground-based remote sensing of the wind vector and the vertical structure of the boundary layer - Doppler sodar
VDI 3790 Blatt 1:2015-07 Environmental meteorology - Emissions of gases, odours and dusts from diffuse sources - Fundamentals
VDI 3405 Blatt 2.1:2015-07 Additive manufacturing processes, rapid manufacturing - Laser beam melting of metallic parts; Material data sheet aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg