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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI/VDE-MT 2636:2018-09 Certification of courses and examinations in strain gauge measurement technology
VDI-MT 3814 Blatt 6:2018-09 Building automation and control Systems (BACS) - Skills, skill-prifiles, and qualifications
VDI 2808 Blatt 1:2018-09 Evaluation in value analysis - Method and tools
VDI-MT 5900 Blatt 1:2018-09 Experts in automotive and road transport - Basics
VDI 3786 Blatt 19:2018-09 Environmental meteorology - Ground-based remote sensing of meteorological parameters - Particle backscatter lidar
VDI 3782 Blatt 7:2018-09 Environmental meteorology - Determination of the emission from motor vehicles - Air quality
VDI 3679 Blatt 3:2018-09 Wet separators - Mist eliminators
VDI 3790 Blatt 4:2018-09 Environmental meteorology - Emission of gases, odours and dusts from diffusive sources - Dust emissions due to vehicle movements on roads not open to the public
VDI/BTGA/ZVSHK 6023 Blatt 1:2018-09 Hygiene in drinking-water installations - Requirements for planning, execution, operation and maintenance
VDI/VDE 2631 Blatt 3:2018-09 Measurement of form - Properties and selection of filters
VDI/VDE 5575 Blatt 5:2018-09 X-ray optical systems - Transmission zone plates
VDI/VDE 5575 Blatt 6:2018-09 X-ray optical systems - Reflexion zone plates