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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2240:1971-06 Shaft couplings, systematic classification according to their properties
VDI/VDE 2253 Blatt 1:1967-10 (R2001) Precision engineering components, locking devices, safety catches
VDI 3822 Blatt 2.1.2:2012-01 Failure analysis - Defects of thermoplastic products made of plastics caused by faulty processing
VDI 2194:2012-08 Selection and training of crane-drivers
VDI 3867 Blatt 3:2012-08 (R2018) Measurement of particles in ambient air - Determination of the particle number concentration and number size distribution of aerosols - Electrical mobility spectrometer
VDI 3822 Blatt 2.1.3:2012-01 Failure analysis - Defects of thermoplastic products made of plastics caused by an unfavourable choice of material and by defects in the material
VDI 3822 Blatt 2.1.4:2012-01 Failure analysis - Defects of thermoplastic products made of plastics caused by mechanical stress
VDI 4407:2009-12 Decision criteria for the choice of returnable transport items in the shape of transport packaging
VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 Blatt 16.1:2009-10 (R2015) Inspection of measuring and test equipment - Test instruction for height gauges
VDI 3867 Blatt 1:2009-09 (R2015) Measurement of particulate matter in ambient air - Determination of the particle number concentration and number size distribution of aerosols - Fundamentals
VDI 4472 Blatt 4:2009-09 Requirements to be met by transponder systems (RFID) for use in the supply chain - Cost-benefit-analysis of RFID systems in logistics
VDI 3318:2009-09 Using freight elevators with industrial trucks