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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 3735:1986-07 Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound sources, size reduction equipment
VDI 3635:1985-10 Small-container transportation systems, review
VDI 3759:1986-07 Noise reduction for transporting sheet metal, profiles, hollow bodies
VDI 3784 Blatt 1:1986-06 (R2017) Dispersion of natural-draft, wet cooling tower emissions, assessment of cooling tower impact
VDI/VDE 2252 Blatt 6:1985-10 (R2001) Precision engineering components, guides, gas-, magnetic- and hydraulic bearings
VDI 2159:1985-07 (R2017) Characteristic values of emissions of technical sound sources, gearing noise
VDI 3782 Blatt 3:1985-06 (R2004) Dispersion of air pollutants in the atmosphere, determination of plume rise
VDI 3628:1985-03 Automated material handling systems, interfaces between the various functionlevels
VDI 3749 Blatt 4:1984-12 Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound sources of pneumatic tools and machines, pneumatic drilling machines
VDI 3727 Blatt 2:1984-11 Noise control by means of damping of structure-borne noise, recommended applications
VDI 2852 Blatt 2:1984-10 (R2000) Pallet change time and cut-to-cut time under automatic pallet change
VDI 2852 Blatt 1:1984-10 (R2000) Cut-to-cut time, automatic tool change