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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 4409:1996-04 (R2014) Procedure for ecologically orientated design and selection of packaging
VDI/VDE 3511 Blatt 2:1996-04 (R2015) Temperature measurement in industry - Contact thermometers
VDI/VDE 3511 Blatt 1:1996-03 (R2015) Temperature measurement in industry - Principles and special methods of temperature measurement
VDI 3760:1996-02 Computation and measurement of sound propagation in workrooms
VDI 3945 Blatt 1:1996-03 (R2016) Environmental meteorology - Atmospheric dispersion models; Gaussian Puff Model
VDI 2310 Blatt 33:1996-02 (R2014) Maximum immission values - Maximum immission values for mercury to protect farm animals
VDI 2728 Blatt 1:1996-02 (R2014) Solution of motion problems using symmetrical coupler curves - Problems of transmissions
VDI 3323:1996-02 Information on applicability of hard cutting materials for machining by chip removal
VDI 2693 Blatt 1:1996-01 Investment estimation for planning of material flow with static and dynamic calculation procedures
VDI 2693 Blatt 2:1996-01 Investment estimation for planning of material flow with static and dynamic calculation procedures - Form
VDI 3955 Blatt 1:1996-01 (R2015) Assessment of effects on materials due to corrosive ambient conditions - Exposure of steel sheets (Mank's carrousel)
VDI 2897:1995-12 Maintenance - Application of lubricants in plants - Objectives and organisation