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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 3659:2003-09 Data communication systems for rail mounted conveying device
VDI 2886:2003-09 Benchmarking applied to maintenance
VDI 2722:2003-08 (R2014) Cardan shafts and cardan shaft lines - Homokinematic mechanisms
VDI/VDE 3504:2003-08 Steam generator control - Furnace pressure control
VDI 3499 Blatt 1:2003-07 (R2014) Emission measurement - Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) - Dilution method; Example of application of DIN EN 1948 for the concentration range 0,1 ng I-TEQ/m3; Determination in filter dust, ash and slag
VDI 2075:2003-07 (R2014) Ice sport facilities - Building Services
VDI 3805 Blatt 10:2003-07 Product data exchange in the Building Services (TGA) - Air filter
VDI 3805 Blatt 16:2003-07 Product data exchange in the Building Services - Fire damper
VDI 4205 Blatt 1:2003-07 (R2016) Measurement and test methods for the assessment of vapour recovery systems on filling stations - Fundamentals
VDI 4205 Blatt 2:2003-07 (R2016) Measurement and test methods for the assessment of vapour recovery systems on filling stations - Wet method
VDI 4301 Blatt 3:2003-06 (R2014) Measurement of indoor air pollution - Measurement pentaclorophenol (PCP) and ?-hexachlorcyclohexane (lindane) - GC/ECD method
VDI 4280 Blatt 3:2003-06 (R2014) Planning of ambient air quality measurements - Measurement strategies for the determination of air quality characteristics in the vicinity of stationary emission sources