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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 6004 Blatt 1:2006-06 (R2011) Protection of Building Services - Flood - Buildings, installations, equipment
VDI 2727 Blatt 5:2006-05 (R2016) Catalogues for machine design - Mechanisms for motion transfer - Converting unidirectional rotation into non-uniform unidirectional motion
VDI 2893:2006-05 Selection and formation of indicators for maintenance
VDI/VDE 2617 Blatt 4:2006-05 (R2017) Accuracy of coordinate measuring machines - Characteristics and their checking - Manual for the use of DIN EN ISO 10360-3 for coordinate measuring machines with additional axes of rotation
VDI 4510:2006-05 Engineering services and requirements to engineering service providers
VDI 6019 Blatt 1:2006-05 (R2016) Engineering procedure for the dimensioning of the smoke derivative from buildings - Fire curves, verification of the effectiveness
VDI 3860 Blatt 1:2006-05 (R2017) Measurement of landfill gas - Principles
VDI 4682:2006-05 Fuel cell heating appliances - Drafting of service contracts
VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 Blatt 4.8:2006-04 (R2015) Inspection of measuring and test equipment - Test instruction for zylindrical screw setting play gauges and screw check plugs
VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 Blatt 4.9:2006-04 (R2015) Inspection of measuring and test equipment - Test instruction for cylindrical screw setting ring gauges, screw ring gauges
VDI 2700 Blatt 9:2006-04 Securing loads on road vehicles - Securing of hard paperrolls
VDI 3782 Blatt 5:2006-04 (R2016) Environmental meteorology - Atmospheric dispersion models - Deposition parameters