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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
ASHRAE 28-1996 (RA2020) Standard 28-1996 (RA2020) -- Method of Testing...
ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
UNE 108132:2002/1M:2013 Safe storage. Opaque armors. Test and classification of the resistance to the attack by bullet impacts derived from the firearm shots (small arms, rifles and shotguns).
UNE 60402-1:2008/1M:2012 Gaseous fuels. Pressure regulator with an inlet MOP up to 0,4 bar and an outlet MOP up to 0,05 bar. Part 1: Regulators with an incorporated low pressure cut-off safety valve with an equivalent flow rate up to 4,8 m3 (n)/h of air.
UNE 60402-2:2008/1M:2012 Gaseous fuels. Pressure regulator with an inlet MOP up to 0,4 bar and an outlet MOP up to 0,05 bar. Part 2: Regulator with a MOP greater than 150 mbar, with an incorporated minimum low pressure cut-off safety valve, with a maximum pressure safety valve and an equivalent flow rate up to 4,8 m3 (n)/h of air.
UNE 195001:2008/1M:2011 Guide of good hygiene practices for primary production in fishing. Tides shorter than 48 h.
UNE 62352:1999/1M:2011 Steel storage tanks for carburant and combustible liquids. Above ground parallelepipedical tanks with capacity up to 2 000 litres.
UNE 21135-301:1993/1M:2010 Electrical installations in ships. Part 301: Equipment - Generators and motors
UNE 21135-301:1993/2M:2010 Electrical installations in ships. Part 301: Equipment - Generators and motors
UNE 21135-304:1993/1M:2010 Electrical installations in ships. Part 304: Equipment - Semiconductor convertors
UNE 21135-303:1994/1M:2010 Electrical installations in ships. Part 303: Equipment - Transformers for power and lighting
UNE 182001:2008/1M:2010 Hotels and tourist apartments. Service requirements.
UNE 60404-3:2009/1M:2010 Gaseous fuels. Regulation pressure and/or measurement packages with a maximum operating pressure up to 5 bar. Part 3: Packages to built in, attach or place in enclosures with an equivalent nominal volume of flow from 100 m3(n)/h to 250m3(n)/h of natural gas.
UNE 21192:1992/1M:2009 Calculation of thermally permissible short-circuit currents, taking into account non-adiabatic heating effects.