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This standard addresses the central controlroom of a nuclear power generating station andthe overall complex in which this room ishoused. It is not intended to cover special ornormally unattended control rooms, such asthose provided for radioactive waste handlingor for emergency shutdown operations.The nuclear power generating station controlroom complex provides a protective envelopefor plant operating personnel and for instrumentand control equipment vital to the operationof the plant during normal and abnormalconditions. In this capacity, the control roomcomplex must be designed and constructed tomeet the following criteria contained in AppendixA of 10CFR50, General Design Criteriafor Nuclear Power Plants:(1) Criterion 2: Design Bases for ProtectionAgainst Natural Phenomena(2) Criterion 3: Fire Protection(3) Criterion 4: Environmental and MissileDesign Bases(4) Criterion 5: Sharing of Structures, Systemsand Components (multiunit stations only)(5) Criterion 19: Control RoomAbstract
New IEEE Standard - Inactive-Withdrawn.This standard addresses the central control room of nuclear power generating station and the overall complex in which this room is housed. It is not intended to cover special or normally unattended control rooms, such as those provided for radioactive waste handling or for emergency shutdown operations. Product Details
Published: 10/17/1980 ISBN(s): 9780738142302 Number of Pages: 16File Size: 1 file , 890 KB Product Code(s): STDWD95464