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IEEE P1641.1a

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IEEE P1641.1a IEEE Approved Draft Guide for the Use of IEEE Std 1641, IEEE Standard for Signal and Test Definition - Amendment 1: Addition of Guidelines for Producing Reusable Test Signal Frameworks for Use on Platforms Utilizing Automatic Test Markup Language

Amendment by IEEE, 06/07/2018

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This guide provides application information and guidance for users who write, develop, implement, and support test requirements, signal definitions, and signal responses using IEEE Std 1641-2010, the signal and test definition (STD) standard. Examples of the definition and use of signal models in different environments are included.


This guide explains how signal definitions and test requirements may be implemented in conformance with IEEE Std 1641-2010. It also provides background information, tutorial support, and examples of signal definitions and test requirements for users of the standard.


Amendment Standard - Active - Draft.Amend the guide to add guidelines for producing reusable TSFs for use on platforms utilizing ATML, and produce example TSFs showing conformance with the guidelines. This guide explains how signal definitions and test requirements may be implemented in conformance with IEEE Std 1641-2010. It also provides background information, tutorial support, and examples of signal definitions and test requirements for users of the standard. TSFs are major component for adhering with the IEEE Std 1641. There is little guidance in helping users create their own reusable TSFs or examples that show good practices to copy.

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Published: 06/07/2018 Number of Pages: 28