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GMW15600 3rd Edition, August 2018 Determination of Aldehyde and Ketone Emissions in Vehicle Interior Cabin Air

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Description / Abstract: Introduction

Note: Nothing in this standard supercedes applicable laws and regulations.

Note: In the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall take precedence.

Purpose. This test procedure is used for the quantitative determination of aldehyde and ketone emissions in vehicle interior cabin air, utilizing a coated solid adsorbent followed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV) detection.

Applicability. This test procedure can be used for all air samples for the determination of aldehyde and ketone emissions, including cabin air inside vehicles in a stationary or dynamic mode. The results will provide complementary information to interpret findings in GMW16818 and GMW15635.

Remarks. The determination of aldehydes and ketones in vehicle cabin air is essential to meet customer and regulatory requirements in global automotive markets. Concentrations are in the parts per million (ppm) ranges, which warrant accurate, analytical measurements. This test procedure is based on test method EPA T0- 11A. It has been updated to reflect updated technology in air sampling and analytical instrumentation.

Note: There is no direct correlation between the limits on material, component, and vehicle level due to the high complexity of chemical interactions, unpredictable influence of different part sizes and addition, interaction and elimination of their emissions.