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1981 Standard Fire Prevention Code (Download)

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The purpose of the Standard Fire Prevention Code is to serve as a comprehensive regulatory document to guide decisions aimed at protecting lives and property from fire and explosion hazards. These regulations are based upon and intended to be consistent with nationally recognized practices for the storage, use and handling of hazardous materials, substances and devices. When applied to existing buildings, structures, and premises, exclusive of the requirements of a building code, these regulations are intended to minimize hazards to life and property due to fire and panic, while providing for prompt access for fire control and extinguishment by the local fire department.

The purpose of the Standard Fire Prevention Code is to serve as a comprehensive regulatory document to guide decisions aimed at protecting lives and property from fire and explosion hazards. These regulations are based upon and intended to be consistent with nationally recognized practices for the storage, use and handling of hazardous materials, substances and devices. When applied to existing buildings, structures, and premises, exclusive of the requirements of a building code, these regulations are intended to minimize hazards to life and property due to fire and panic, while providing for prompt access for fire control and extinguishment by the local fire department.