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This method describes a procedure for measuring the bursting strength of linerboard using a disk shaped diaphragm. Basis weights for this method should be 98 g/square meter (20/MSF) and higher. The minimum burst should be 350 kPa (51 psi). This method may also be used to test paperboard. A specimen is clamped between two platens with circular openings in their centers. An expansible diaphragm is distended through the lower platen by means of hydraulic pressure until the specimen ruptures. The maximum hydraulic pressure when the specimen ruptures is recorded.
Author | TAPPI - Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper |
Editor | TAPPI |
Document type | Standard |
Format | File |
Confirmation date | 2011-06-13 |
ICS | 85.060 : Paper and board
Year | 2011 |
Document history | |
Country | USA |
Keyword | ANSI 807;ANSI/TAPPI T 807;ANSI/TAPPI 807;807;ANSI/TAPPI T 807 om-2011 |