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TAPPI T 810 om:2011

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TAPPI T 810 om:2011

Bursting strength of corrugated board

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This method describes a procedure for measuring the bursting strength of single wall and double wall corrugated board within the range of 690 kPa (100 psi) to 4825 kPa (700 psi) employing an instrument which uses a disk shaped, molded diaphragm. A specimen of board is clamped between two platens with circular opening in their centers. The lower platen is fixed; the upper platen has an adjustable depth but remains stationary for the duration of the test. An expansible diaphragm is distended through the lower platen by means of hydraulic pressure until the specimen bursts. The maximum hydraulic pressure when the specimen ruptures is recorded.

Author TAPPI - Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper
Editor TAPPI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2011-06-17
ICS 85.060 : Paper and board
Number of pages 5
Year 2011
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 810;ANSI/TAPPI T 810;ANSI/TAPPI 810;810;ANSI/TAPPI T 810 om-2011