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TAPPI T 1215 sp:2012

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TAPPI T 1215 sp:2012

The determination of instrumental color differences

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This standard practice provides a general introduction to the use of color differences and a list of the most widely used equations to obtain them. Color differences can be used 1) as a guide to establishing color tolerances in the production of pulp, paper, and paperboard, 2) for the determination of buying and selling tolerances of color, 3) to provide a method of determining the adequacy of color matches.

Author TAPPI - Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper
Editor TAPPI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2012-06-18
ICS 17.180.20 : Colours and measurement of light
85.060 : Paper and board
Year 2012
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 1215;ANSI/TAPPI T 1215;ANSI/TAPPI 1215;1215;ANSI/TAPPI T 1215 sp-2012