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TAPPI T 494 om:2013

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TAPPI T 494 om:2013

Tensile properties of paper and paperboard (using constant rate of elongation apparatus)

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This test method describes the procedure, using constant-rate-of-elongation equipment, for determining four tensile breaking properties of paper and paperboard: tensile strength, stretch, tensile energy absorption, and tensile stiffness.

Author TAPPI - Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper
Editor TAPPI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2013-12-20
ICS 85.060 : Paper and board
Year 2013
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Country USA
Keyword ANSI 494;ANSI/TAPPI T 494;ANSI/TAPPI 494;494;ANSI/TAPPI T 494 om-2013