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TAPPI T 454 om:2015

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TAPPI T 454 om:2015

Turpentine test for voids in glassine and greaseproof papers

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This method gives an accelerated comparison of the relative rates at which oils or greases, such as commonly found in foodstuffs, may be expected to penetrate papers such as greaseproof, glassine, and vegetable parchment. In addition, it may be used to select and predict the performance of these grades of papers for an intended end use. The selection should be used as preliminary to, and not a substitute for, tests with prototype end products containing the oils or greases of interest. It may not be applicable to grades of paper or paperboard that are given grease or oil resistance by means of a coating or internal treatment.

Author TAPPI - Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper
Editor TAPPI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2015-06-09
ICS 85.060 : Paper and board
Replace ANSI/TAPPI T 454 om (2010)
Year 2015
Document history ANSI/TAPPI T 454 om (2015)
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 454;ANSI/TAPPI T 454;ANSI/TAPPI 454;454;ANSI/TAPPI T 454 om-2015