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ASHRAE 105:2014

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ASHRAE 105:2014

Standard Methods for Determining, Expressing and Comparing Building Energy Performance and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

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The fundamental calculation of the Standard requires a summation of building and site energy. To quote from Section 4.1 (not open for comment in this ISC), 'Where additional expressions of energy performance or greenhouse gas emissions are made, they shall be determined and expressed in accordance with Sections 4.3 through 4.6.' Basically, to go beyond the calculation boundary of the building and site's energy use requires the direction of an 'adopting authority', which does not necessarily mean a government agency, and adoption by that authority of conversion factors expanding on the site energy for a particular purpose. Within that framework further calculation methodologies are offered for primary energy, greenhouse gas emissions and any other authority determined parameter. The choice of the factors used in these further calculations is up to the adopting authority. An informative appendix is included that contains some potential choices for the various multipliers (Annex J). The changes proposed in this ISC provide further distance between the normative calculation methodologies and the informative material in the appendix.

Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2014-02-19
ICS 91.140.10 : Central heating systems
Replace ANSI/ASHRAE 105 (2007)
Year 2014
Document history ANSI/ASHRAE 105 (2014)
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 105;105;ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 105-2014