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AMCA 210/ASHRAE 51:2016

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AMCA 210/ASHRAE 51:2016

Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating

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Changes included in this revision to AMCA 210/ASHRAE 51:1. The measurement and reporting of electrical power into a driven fan was added, along with the corresponding wire-to-air efficiency for a driven fan. 2. A detailed description of fan outlet area with examples of how it is measured for various fan types was added as a normative annex. 3. The revised use of symbols and subscripts for fan input power to clarify which drive components are included in the power measurement. 4. The procedure for checking the effectiveness of airflow settling means in chambers was modified.

Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2016-08-26
ICS 23.120 : Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners
Replace ANSI/AMCA 210/ASHRAE 51 (2007)
Year 2016
Document history ANSI/AMCA 210/ASHRAE 51 (2016)
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 210;ANSI/AMCA 210;210;ANSI/AMCA 210-2016, ASHRAE 51- 2016