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ANSI/ASA S3.55 Part 3:2015

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ANSI/ASA S3.55 Part 3:2015

Electroacoustics - Simulators of Human Head and Ear - Part 3: Acoustic Coupler for the Calibration of Supra-aural Earphones Used in Audiometry

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Specifies an acoustic coupler for measurement of supra-aural audiometric earphones in the frequency range from 125 Hz to 8000 Hz. The sound pressure developed by an earphone is not, in general, the same in the coupler as in a person's ear. However, the acoustic coupler can be used as an objective and reproducible means of measuring the output of supra-aural earphones. It can be used for specifying reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels (RETSPL) for the calibration of audiometers.

Author Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
Editor ASA
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2015-05-15
ICS 17.140.50 : Electroacoustics
Number of pages 18
Cross references IEC 60318-3 (2014-12), IDT
Year 2015
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 3;ANSI/ASA S 3;ANSI/ASA S 3.55;ANSI/ASA 3;3;ANSI/ASA S3.55-2015/Part 3/IEC 60318-3:2015