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Written by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2009 Edition is available as a high-quality, printed publication through a cooperative effort between AASHTO, ATSSA, and ITE. The printed version includes: a comprehensive copyrighted index, high-quality print and color-matched graphics, a layflat binding designed to withstand continued use, and larger format three-hole drilled pages. Look for these and many other important changes in the MUTCD 2009 Edition: interim approval process for new traffic control devices; chapter on traffic incident management; section on countdown pedestrian signals; considerations for pedestrians and workers in temporary traffic control zones; provision for in-street pedestrian signs; recommendations for letter height on street name signs; use of yield markings at un-signalized mid-block pedestrian crosswalks; and provision for high visibility clothing for workers.
The MUTCD 2009 Edition replaces the MUTCD 2003 Edition with Revisions 1 and 2. The MUTCD 2009 Edition is incorporated into Federal regulations as the national standard for traffic control devices on all public roads and bike paths.
Author | AASHTO |
Editor | AASHTO |
Document type | Standard |
Format | Paper |
Number of pages | 864 |
Weight(kg.) | 1.5688 |
Year | 2009 |
Country | USA |
Keyword | AASHTO |